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      CN EN

      Special Wires

      光明來自明都 燦爛源自創新

      UL3239 50KVDC Fire retardant high voltage cable

      Special Wires series

      UL3239 50KVDC Fire retardant high voltage cable

      High voltage lead in various occasions, widely used in silent barbecue machine and billboards, with high flame retardant, high electrical performance, high intensity, high life and other advantages, the finished product by the United States UL certification trademark.
      technical parameter
      01Nominal voltage:50KVDC

      02Temperaturature Range:-40℃~ +105℃

      03Outer diameter tolorance:±0.15mm

      04Testing Voltage:70KVAC

      05Conductor:Tinned Copper


      07Flame-retardant sheath:Flame retardant polymer

      Structure size chart

      UL3239 50KVDC 阻燃高壓線.png
