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      CN EN

      Special Wires

      光明來自明都 燦爛源自創新

      RFGZ 20KVDC Flame retardant ignition cable

      Special Wires series

      RFGZ 20KVDC Flame retardant ignition cable

      Gas water heater and gas stove with high pressure ignition wire, widely used in high quality water heater, burner stove, motor vehicle high pressure ignition wire (with high flame retardant, high strength, high electrical performance, high temperature resistance and other advantages)
      technical parameter
      01Nominal voltage:20KVDC

      02Temperaturature Range:-40℃~ +105℃

      03Outer diameter tolorance:±0.2mm

      04Testing Voltage:30KVAC

      05Conductor:Tinned Copper


      07Flame-retardant sheath:Flame retardant polymer

      Structure size chart

      RFGZ 20KVDC 阻燃高壓點火線.png
